WhatsApp users in Brazil will for the next 48 hour be blocked from using the Facebook owned the service. This is after a judge ordered the popular messaging app blocked across the country for failing to respond to a court order in a proceeding criminal case.
The shutdown, which began from9 p.m. ET Wednesday, will see more than 100 Brazilian users unable to access the service.
According to Reuters, citing a local news station Band News TV, the case in question involves a drug trafficker linked to the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) who allegedly used WhatsApp to carry out illegal crimes.
São Paulo State Justice Tribunal in São Bernardo do Campo said in a statement that WhatsApp had c failed to comply with a judicial order issued on July 23.
Commenting on the order, Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg this is a sad day for Brazil. Until today, he said Brazil has been an ally in creating an open internet.
‘’I am stunned that our efforts to protect people’s data would result in such an extreme decision by a single judge to punish every person in Brazil who uses WhatsApp’’ he said.
He however added that Facebook they were working hard to get this block reversed.
‘’We hope the Brazilian courts quickly reverse course. If you’re Brazilian, please make your voice heard and help your government reflect the will of its people’’ he said