Popular messaging app WhatsApp is currently down worldwide. The Meta-owned platform suffered an outage on Wednesday evening as noted on DownDetector affecting the 2 billion users who currently use the messaging service.
This latest outage is preventing the app from sending or receiving any messages.
Users have also reported being unable to open the app and view both their chats and chat history.
The outage seems to have also affected other Meta services like Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Although, very few cases are being reported.
WhatsApp has acknowledged the outage in a post on its X page.
”We know some people are experiencing issues right now, we’re working on getting things back to 100% for everyone as quickly as possible” the post read.
We know some people are experiencing issues right now, we're working on getting things back to 100% for everyone as quickly as possible
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) April 3, 2024
Meta has also reported the outage on its Business API status dashboard describing it as a “major disruption.”
..Developing story
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