More people are now shopping online and if you sell online, you have to make a smart move to provide a seamless checkout process for your customers. Many customers always abandon their shopping carts just before completing the purchase if they encounter problems with the payment process on your website.
It is therefore very critical that as an online business owner, you provide a seamless and convenient payment process by working with a well known and reputable payment system provider.
You will need to learn how to integrate a payment gateway into your online shop. This is a major step in improving the user experience of your customers. Having the right payment network in place will make your customers enjoy quick and secure payments which in turn leads to higher sales conversations and increased customer loyalty.
There are multiple payment gateways in the market now and choosing one may seem like a really overwhelming task. During your research, you might have come across different payment gateway service providers, you might conclude that all of the providers are the same. In the end, you might end up choosing a payment gateway solution that will disappoint you in future.
Before you, therefore, go ahead and integrate any payment system in your online shop, you should consider the following four factors:
- Processing speed:
Providing a quick and painless checkout process for your customers provides a good customer experience. Your payment gateway should be fast in order to provide a seamless user experience. As mentioned earlier, customers tend to abandon their carts and move to your competitors when they experience problems making payments. You, therefore, need to evaluate the processing speed of the payment system; query the provider’s downtime and contingency plan.
- Security
When selecting a payment gateway, make sure your platform provides robust security features, and look for a PCI-DSS certification such as anti-fraud protection. Security is one of the greatest concerns for online shoppers. Evaluate the security levels offered to protect your customers’ sensitive data.
- Multiple Payment options
A good payment gateway should support and accept multiple payments options at your online store. This is important as more customers now go for alternative payment options other than the usual credit cards.
- Customer support
A good payment service should be able to provide any form of customer support. Before integrating it on your website check whether the provider offers live technical support, at least within standard working hours, so that you can quickly resolve any technical problems.
SwitchLink Africa’s Onlinepaydirect easy-to-use online payment gateway integrates directly into your website providing a good user experience for your customers.
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