Huawei can now resume business with US-based tech companies- Trump

After weeks of struggling and tussling with the United States government over the trade ban, the Chinese tech behemoth Huawei can now continue business with US tech companies. In a meeting today at the Group of 20(G-20) summit in Osaka, Japan US president Donald Trump confirmed that the US tech companies can now resume supplies to Huawei after a meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping.
Huawei faced a trade ban back in May when the Chinese company, together with 68 of its affiliates, were banned from doing business with US tech companies. The ban restricted Huawei from using US branded products which affected Huawei’s launch of their new Windows-powered laptop early this month. Google, Qualcomm, Intel, and even Microsoft went ahead to cut ties with Huawei.
Google ban meant that Huawei could no longer have access to Google Play services including Gmail, Play store, and even Photos. However, Huawei had already been preparing its alternative OS dubbed ArkOS which at some point again considered Sailfish OS. But some US tech companies including Google, Intel, FedEx, and Qualcomm were also opting to fight for Huawei against the trade ban.
Huawei’s smartphone business had come to a cross-road with the founder Ren stating the company will have to endure $30 billion loss in revenue for the next two years. The Chinese tech company had planned to lead the global market share by the end of the year, which they had to suspend the plans after the ban.
Before the trade ban, Huawei’s smartphone business was doing excellent reporting they had already shipped 100million devices in a period ending May 30, but after the ban, the company’s shipments experienced a sluggish movement.
Recent reports suggested Huawei had already resumed business with some US tech companies after they analyzed the restrictive nature of the US Department of Commerce ban. But now the pressure is over with Huawei assured that they can go ahead and continue dealing with US tech companies as before.
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