Andela has announced the launch of the Andela Learning Community (ALC 2.0) program in Kenya. The program (ALC 1.0), which was launched in Nigeria in January is a partnership between Andela and Google to identify and certify Android developers through Google’s Udacity course.
Google’s Udacity course was the first nanodegree class designed by the company for people with no programming experience. The course teaches how to build simple Android and web Apps. It covers layouts, interactivity, object-oriented programming basics, multi-screen apps, connecting to the internet and data storage among other topics.
According to Chimdindu Aneke, Talent Partnerships Manager at Andela Nigeria, in the past four months, learners in the ALC have built more than 3,500 applications, spent more than 30,000 hours learning, and have shared more than 100 success stories with over 300,000 online impressions. The learners were supported by a team of 5 volunteer program assistants who directly worked with over 50 volunteer facilitators and meetup organizers. These volunteers went on to facilitate meetups across 26 locations in Nigeria and mentored the learners who were grouped into teams that promoted collective accountability.
Chimdindu Aneke says the Udacity’s online curriculum, and Google’s community science, ALC 1.0 has supported more than 2,000 aspiring technologists so far and has resulted in over 1,000 of them becoming Android Developers.
‘’Ultimately, through the ALC, we aim to build a network of people across Africa dedicated to developing technology to solve humanity’s most challenging problems.’’ he said.
With the program now in Kenya, aspiring technologists can apply for classes across three tracks, Android development, Web and, Product Design.
With over 1 billion Android devices currently available worldwide, the demand for basic apps to learn how to code in Android could rapidly increase. The demand for web design has also been increasing year on. In fact, according to a recent report, there will be 1.3 million software development jobs created in the next ten years and only 400,000 domestic computer science graduates to fill them.
The launch comes just a few months after Andela announced the launch of its third African market in Kampala, Uganda. This, it says was aimed at expanding access to Andela Developers as well as identify and develop Kampala’s most talented programmers and problem solvers into the next generation of technology leaders.
Applications for the ALC 2.0 in Kenya can be made via Andela’s website.
Featured Image: Andela Learning Community(ALC 1.o) meet-up in Nigeria