Contributor: New Google Service to make you pay to remove ads from websites you visit

Google has launched a new service that will allow people to pay to remove ads from websites they are visiting
Known as the Contributor, the service will allow visitors to pick which sites they want to contribute to, and whether to donate $1, $2, or $3 per month. Once the subscription is activated, visiting those sites will display thank-you messages and/or pixel patterns in place of the ads. Meaning the sites will be ad-free.
The service Initially was working with with just 10 like sImgur, Mashable, ScienceDaily, and The Onion. The service is also being restricted by a waitlist, suggesting it’s in an early trial phase.
Many websites, especially newspapers, have struggled with how to make money without annoying users with advertising or by instituting paywalls. This could be a game changer if it becomes adopted as a standard platform. But we are going to have to wait and see how it all plays out. At the very least it gives users options, while keeping the revenue going for websites.
Well, this might just be a solution to users do not like ads. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Source Electronista