Strathmore University to develop world’s first smartphone-based degree program

Strathmore University wants to turn classrooms into a mobile device-friendly environment where students can incorporate the latest technology into the learning process. The University has announced a new partnership with One University Network to develop the world’s first smartphone-based degree and certificate program.
Later this year, Strathmore Mobile will enable students to earn Strathmore University degrees and credentials primarily using their smartphones with oversight from Strathmore University faculty and assistance from a network of certified learning coaches. Courses offered via Strathmore Mobile will be priced competitively and will be accessible to students throughout Africa.
In developing Strathmore Mobile, Strathmore University is being supported by One University Network, an education technology company and social venture located in Silicon Valley. One University has developed a mobile learning and coaching platform that is delivered via an Android smartphone app.
The Strathmore University app will contain all class materials including videos, readings, and interactive exercises. In addition, students will be provided with an experienced learning coach with subject matter expertise to assist them through completion of the classwork. After successfully completing the classwork, in order to demonstrate that they have met the rigorous learning standards of Strathmore University, students will be required to complete a supervised final examination at a secure testing center.
“With the introduction of Strathmore Mobile, Strathmore University will bridge Kenya’s higher education gap and deliver on our mission of providing high quality, outcome-driven scholarship while embracing entrepreneurial innovation as a global leader in higher education. We are looking forward to working with our partners to vastly increase the accessibility of quality higher education here and abroad.” Prof. John Odhiambo Strathmore University Vice Chancellor said.
“We are extremely excited to partner with Strathmore University to help educate Kenya’s next generation of leaders through this transformative offering. Kenya has been a world leader in mobile adoption and we are confident that through Strathmore Mobile the nation will become a leader in mobile higher education. We are committed to realizing this vision together with Strathmore.” One University Network, Chief Executive Officer, Gene Wade added.
More information about the Strathmore Mobile program, including details regarding degree programs and credentials, fee structures, and start date of classes will be announced in the upcoming months. Interested parties can be the first to learn of news by signing up at