Social Media

You can now use Reactions emoji to reply to comments on Facebook

You can now add a little happy or angry face to comments that people have posted on Facebook posts. Yes, Facebook has brought its emoji Reactions tool to comments.

According to The Verge, Reactions have started to show up in comments for desktop users. So if you don’t see it yet, expect to see them soon.


Facebook originally allowed users to add the feature to posts but in March the feature was extended to Facebook Messenger.

The feature works the same as reacting to Facebook posts: just hover over the like button in a comment, and choose from the six options. Reactions is an extension of the Like button, which gives you more ways to share your reaction to a post in a quick and easy way.

Again, we are not yet sure when Facebook is planning to fully roll out the feature but we will definitely be on the lookout for that.

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