Popular messaging app WhatsApp has now made its native version of the app available to all Mac users. This is according to a new report by WaBetaInfo.
The new app optimized for Mac hardware and can now be can be downloaded from the official WhatsApp website. The app was previously only available on TestFlight for a limited number of users.
WaBetaInfo reports that The new native app built by using Mac Catalyst offers a more seamless experience for WhatsApp users on macOS. It has been optimized to take full advantage of Mac’s hardware, making for a faster and more efficient user experience.
In addition, the app has been designed to look and feel more like a traditional Mac app by introducing an app sidebar, and the ability to drag and drop files.
The new native client is still in beta, so you might still experience some issues. You can however report these glitches by clicking on the bug icon at the bottom left corner.
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