Facebook, in a push to make the community more meaningful to its users, has introduced a comment ranking feature.
The comment ranking feature gives priority to particular comments on a post depending on the comments or reactions it receives from the original poster of the message. Also, comment rankings will be determined by how the friends of the person who created the post react or comment on a given comment as well.
This doesn’t give creators a direct ticket to take over the comment section, as Facebook will still “continue to take other signals into account so ‘they’ do not prominently show low-quality comments, even if they are from the person who made the original post or their friends,” Justine Shen, Product Manager at Facebook stated.
Despite the new Comment ranking feature, users will still be able to moderate comments on their posts by hiding, deleting, or engaging with the comments.
Facebook comment ranking is already available for users who have a massive following or pages by default, but they can still turn the feature off. You can, however, enable the feature on your profile too by heading over to the Settings section.
Facebook has been working on some new features every time, and last month the company tipped on the video ranking feature that gives priority to the originality of the content, intent and how users interact with the content. The video ranking feature mainly focuses on originality by helping content creators reach a broader audience.
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