Facebook bans its apps from being pre-installed on Huawei devices

Huawei devices will no longer have Facebook apps pre-installed. This is just an additional drop to the already existing sea of problems that the company is facing upon the US trade blacklist. Even though the issue underhand isn’t such a big problem to Huawei, it demonstrates on the extreme ends that the US government can go on trade blacklisting a company.
A recent report has also indicated that this may even affect other Facebook social apps, including WhatsApp and Instagram, although devices which have the app installed will continue to be supported and receive regular updates from Facebook.
However, Facebook has only halted pre-installation, but the apps will still be able to be downloaded on any Huawei devices that will ship without the app. Nevertheless, the future is yet uncertain with Huawei looking for Android alternatives with Google Play services banned from being installed in their future smartphones.
Huawei devices often come pre-installed with Twitter and Bookings.com apps although, any of the two companies haven’t commented on the same. Huawei has however stated that they were prepared for the US ban and are already working on a way around it.
Allegedly, Huawei’s smartphone business is already experiencing a slowdown in Europe and Asia since the US trade blacklist. It will take a long way before the company ever recovers from this in case the US government reverses its actions.
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