Inaugural Young Scientists Kenya National Science and Technology Exhibition set for July

More than 160 secondary school students to expected to participate in the country’s first Science and Technology exhibition set to taka place on 5th and 6th July 2018 at the KICC.
The inaugural Young Scientists Kenya (YSK) National Science and Technology Exhibition, has already received 92 projects under the theme ‘’Making STEM Education Accessible to All’’. The platform will give the students an opportunity to showcase their innovation and scientific talents.
Approximately 5,000 guests from the public and private sectors, academia and the international community are expected to attend the exhibition, whose opening ceremony will be officiated by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Speaking at a press briefing yesterday, the Irish Ambassador, Dr. Vincent O’Neill said he was pleased with the progress made in the year since the launch of the programme, which YSK hopes to roll out nationwide over the next two to three years.
“Since our launch in 2017, we have had tremendous success in reaching out to schools and students in various parts of the country. Our aim is to build on this momentum to shatter myths about STEM subjects being difficult or boring, and to ensure that students with the interest and acumen for these subjects get equal opportunities to learn and excel in them,” said Ambassador O’Neill.
The YSK programme complements the ministry’s efforts to spur uptake of STEM among high school students, through the annual Kenya Science and Engineering Fair (KSEF), formerly known as the Secondary Schools Science Congress.
“Kenya is already known as an African innovation hub. This exhibition will help us cultivate an even stronger culture of innovation by tapping into the curious minds, passion and creativity of Kenyan youth right from high school level. Currently, we are planning the roll-out of STEM model schools in 47 counties, an initiative that will widen access to quality education in these subjects that are critical to the development of our country,” said Dr. Amina Mohammed, Education Cabinet Secretary.
YSK has since March this year visited all 80 schools in the 10 pilot counties, engaging students and teachers and positioning STEM subjects as not only cool, but also central to day to day life.
“This exhibition is an opportunity to showcase not just to Kenya, but to the rest of the world, what we can do; to empower young people interested in STEM, and to bring together stakeholders who are ready to work towards a common goal, which is to make STEM accessible to all,” said Charles Wanjohi, Acting Director – Consumer Business, Safaricom.
The students participating in the programme will showcase projects in four broad categories at the exhibition: Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences; Ecological and Biological Sciences; Technology, and Social and Behavioral Sciences.
The award ceremony will be held on 6th July, with the winners walking away with fully paid trips to Ireland to visit the Irish chapter of the Young Scientists initiative.
The programme was launched in July 2017 by the Ministry of Education, the Embassy of Ireland and BLAZE by Safaricom among others, the programme was launched in July 2017 and is currently in its pilot phase, which has seen it work with 80 schools in 10 counties in Kenya.
Good updates about tech initiataves. There are almost 8000 graduate engineers from unacredated universities and unregistered, is there any updates about them? ie computer engineers