Editorial: Introducing Generation Z

ByĀ Ben Roberts, CTO, Liquid Telecom,

A new generation is emerging across Africa who have never known life without the internet or social media. How will their consumer behaviour and spending patterns shape businesses in the future? And as more Gen Zs enter the workforce, how will their new ideas and approaches alter the workplace?

Most Gen Zs have likely never posted a letter, read a newspaper, used a library fileĀ referencing system ā€“ much less an encyclopaedia, searched for content alphabetically, navigated using a map, looked up a number in a phone book, rented a movie, endured a broadcasterā€™s choice of viewing schedule, bought or used a CD/DVD, or even used a mobile device with a numeric keypad.

Gen Zs source their trivia and news from the likes of Buzzfeed and 9gag, study usingĀ SparkNotes, self-teach using YouTube tutorials, line up their own choice of streamedĀ entertainment including vlogs on YouTube, run real and fake social media accounts (curatedĀ for public and private consumption), instantly identify and discover music and entertainment content using Shazam on their mobiles, ā€˜crowdsourceā€™ their opinions via social media, receive invitations via social media event alerts, group chat on instant messaging, find love via social media and dating apps, and find their way using Google Maps. This generation is immersed in a digital world.

Global Gen Z vs Millennials

Across the developed world, Millennials, who reached adulthood in the early 2000s,Ā embraced the digital revolution and helped drive its innovation, while Gen Z was born intoĀ a digital world and cannot remember a time before internet access, smartphones and anĀ ā€˜appifiedā€™ world. Globally, Gen Z habitually multi-screens, is connected to a multitudeof messaging platforms and social media apps, and is accustomed to a pay-per-useĀ ā€˜sharingā€™ economy.

Analysts believe this generation has lost faith in formal tertiary education and the traditional career path, and may be more inclined to move directly into the workplace if possible.Ā US marketing agency Sparks & Honey found in a recent survey that only 64% of Gen Z-ersĀ are considering an advanced college degree, compared to 71% of Millennials, Gen Z, inundated with information and communication channels, is reported to haveĀ a lower attention span than any preceding generation. Up to 60% of Gen Z youthsĀ polled by Sparks & Honey want to have an impact on the world, and around one-quarterĀ are involved in volunteering. Googleā€™s study of teens, entitled ā€˜Itā€™s Litā€™, concluded thereĀ were around 60 million Gen Zs aged 13 ā€“ 17, with a purchasing power of up to $200Ā billion a year, thanks to their influence on household purchases.

In 2016, Instagram was the most popular platform among teen Gen Zs (59.6%), followedĀ by Snapchat (56.4%), Facebook (52.8%) and Twitter (35.4%).

The African differentiators

Africaā€™s Gen Z is a disparate group, however. Unlike Gen Z in the more developed world,Ā much of Africaā€™s Gen Z faces more basic challenges and a range of unique priorities.Ā While the developed worldā€™s Gen Z has typically grown up in a digital environment,Ā millions of youth across Africa have yet to experience the basics such as reliableĀ electricity, adequate sanitation, dependable education and digital technology.Ā Internet penetration across the continent still falls well below international averages, andĀ data costs remain relatively high, excluding millions of Gen Zs from the internationalĀ digital world. South Africa, with one of Africaā€™s highest internet penetration levels, passed the 40% mark in 2017, according to World Wide Worxā€™ Internet Access in South Africa 2017Ā report. This report noted, however, that income disparity was a major factor in the digital divide.

South Africans on high-income levels had an internet penetration rate of over 82%, whileĀ internet penetration fell below 30% among the lowest income earners.

The ITUā€™s 2017 IT Facts and Figures report noted that in 104 countries, more than 80% ofĀ the youth population are online. In developed countries, 94% of young people aged 15-24 use the internet compared with 67% in developing countries and only 30% in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Nearly 9 out of 10 young individuals not using the internet live in Africa or Asia Pacific.

However, given the opportunity, young people across Africa lead adoption. In Africa, where the average internet penetration is around 21%, the average penetration amongĀ youths aged 15-24 is around 40%.

Therefore one of the key differentiators between Millennials and Gen Z ā€“ growing up asĀ a ā€˜digital nativeā€™ ā€“ does not apply to millions of African youth. This divide may align millions of youths more closely with Millennials than with Gen Z. But there is no telling how quickly they may bridge the divide and identify with Gen Z once they have affordable high-speed access.

Acknowledging the difference between international Millennials and pan-AfricanĀ youth, some industry watchers adopted the term ā€˜Afrillennialsā€™ for the younger Millennials.
Student Village, which coined the term Afrillennialā„¢ after extensive research, said keyĀ ā€˜Afrillennialismsā€™ included an indebtedness to families and community, with an associatedĀ feeling of responsibility to give back; as well as a deep commitment to transformation andĀ cultural diversity. The differences between Afrillennials and global Millennials are likely toĀ extend into the Gen Z zone for years to come.

The rise of the innovators

With their natural Gen Z affinity for technology, Africaā€™s youth are poised to drive massive digital innovation, which presents both employment opportunities for them and socio-economic development hope for their countries.

Oswald Jumira, Group Head of Innovation Partnerships for Liquid Telecom, works closely with global vendors, innovation hubs, start-ups and other strategic partners across the Liquid markets to implement the groupā€™s innovation strategy. In recent months, Jumira has been developing partnerships with innovators and start-ups across Africa. Many of these innovators are ā€˜cusp Millennialsā€™ and Gen Zs, he reports: ā€œWe are seeing massive innovation coming out of Africa, much of it from very young entrepreneurs. Itā€™s encouraging.ā€

Jumira believes innovation hubs and the efforts of large enterprise to take ICT skillsĀ development to school-age youths is helping drive this groundswell of innovation amongĀ Africaā€™s youth. ā€œAcross Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, for example, there is a

lot of activity in terms of teaching the youth to develop apps. And many of the award-winning and most promising apps coming out of Africa, designed by the youth, address uniquely African problems.ā€Ā Africaā€™s Gen Z is displaying value systems that differ from those of their predecessors,Ā says Jumira: ā€œThey are growing up in a global sharing economy, so they have a newĀ approach to ownership of goods. They are very passionate about what interests them and will immerse themselves in it. They are also very entrepreneurial, confident, and less likely to want to work for a boss.ā€

While these traits may be encouraging in terms of Gen Zā€™s potential to innovate, JumiraĀ believes they will also force change in the traditional workplace. ā€œGen Z is impatient andĀ dynamic, they adapt to change easily. So they might get frustrated by the ā€˜old guardā€™ andĀ traditional ways in the workplace. They donā€™t want to be taught so much as to self-teach inĀ an environment that facilitates this.ā€

The ā€˜Born Freeā€™ generation

GfK research, in its report ā€˜GenZZA ā€“ capturing tomorrowā€™s opportunityā€™, noted that up toĀ 41% of South Africaā€™s population is aged 21 or younger. While this generation may notĀ yet have significant spending power, it is already influencing consumer behaviour andĀ buying decisions among older generations ā€“ particularly in the technology arena. ThisĀ generation is also set to disrupt across society and work in years to come, says RachelĀ Thompson, Insights Director at GfK.

ā€œIn defining Gen Z in South Africa in particular, we must remember that this is not only aĀ generation raised in a digital environment, but is also the ā€˜Born Freeā€™ generation ā€“ born after the dawn of democracy in South Africa,ā€ she says.

This means that South Africaā€™s Gen Z has been shaped not only by technology, butĀ also by socio-political factors. ā€œThe Born Frees are an equal opportunity generation, oftenĀ the most educated in their households, and have grown up in a society characterised byĀ uncertainty and change. This has influenced their attitudes and priorities, making themĀ significantly different from any generation before them.ā€

Thompson believes key defining attributes of South Africaā€™s Born Free Gen Z include fluidityĀ and disruption. Everything from gender identity and beauty ideals through to family structure and career progression is fluid in the Gen Z environment, leaving this generation free to invent themselves, the rules they live by and the world they choose to live in.

This also puts pressure on them, says Thompson: ā€œThere is so much changeĀ happening in the world and this generation is concerned about a lot ā€“ including socio-political injustice and the environment. Many are under pressure to succeed since they were raised by Gen X perfectionists, and may have been given opportunities their older relatives never had.ā€

Despite the pressure to perform and a plethora of challenges to overcome, Gen Z isĀ showing several distinct attributes not seen in earlier generations, says Thompson. AmongĀ them are a solid sense of self-worth, a drive to succeed and an inclination to co-create.Ā ā€œIn our research focus groups, we have found that Gen Zs embrace their differences andĀ celebrate the unusual, rather than conforming to stereotypical ideals. They embraceĀ disruption, are typically less risk averse than earlier generations, and have high aspirationsĀ and high expectations of themselves.ā€

Gen Z: The new consumers

GfK research has found that Gen Zs are highly enterprising, challenge the status quo andĀ expect their voices to be heard. For future employers, this could present both challengesĀ and opportunities.Ā ā€œEnterprises wanting to be the disruptors rather than the disrupted should harnessĀ these characteristics. They should create an environment in which Gen Zs have some levelĀ of autonomy and space in which to innovate,ā€ Thompson says.

For brands targeting Gen Z, the generationā€™s co-creative spirit presents opportunities toĀ go to market in ways previously unheard of.Ā Thompson says: ā€œOn our research question ā€˜I will be more loyal to a brand that lets me giveĀ input and help shape the productsā€™, 76% of Gen Z participants said yes. This generation, withĀ its sense of self-worth, believes its opinions count and is happy to become involved inĀ creating products for market. So progressive brands can involve Gen Z in shaping newĀ products, going to market with products in beta for example.ā€

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