Uber will ban you from using the service if you do the following

Uber will soon ban you from the service and drivers suspended from the app if you violate any of the guidelines the company just released. These ground rules, according to Uber are designed to ensure that riders and drivers have a five-star ride when using the service.
Many of these rules are common sense principles and explain the kind of behavior that may lead riders and drivers to lose access to Uber.
Among the guidelines, passengers who use inappropriate and abusive languages or gestures or if they damage the car by spilling food or drink, smoking or vomiting will ‘’can lose access’ to the service. Other violations include damaging drivers’ or other passengers’ property. For example, damaging the car, breaking or vandalizing a phone, intentionally spilling food or drink, smoking, or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption, touching or flirting with other people in the car.
Unwanted contact with the driver or fellow passenger after the trip is over. For example, texting, calling or visiting someone in person after a ride has been completed. Remember, in most countries, you can call and text your driver directly from the Uber app without ever having to share your personal phone number. This means that your phone number stays anonymous and is never given to the driver.
Read:Uber wants you to thank drivers using stickers after a good ride
Customers who break the local law while using Uber, for example, bringing open containers of alcohol or drugs into the car; traveling in large groups that exceed the number of seatbelts in the car; asking drivers to break local traffic laws such as speed limits; or using Uber to commit a crime, including drug and human trafficking or the sexual exploitation of children will also be banned.
‘’If we are made aware of these kinds of problematic behavior, we will contact you so we can investigate them. Depending on the nature of the concern, we may put a hold on your account during our investigation.’’ Uber said. ‘’If the issues raised are serious or a repeat offense or you refuse to cooperate, you may lose access to Uber. Any behavior involving violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or illegal activity while using Uber can result in the immediate loss of your account.’’
Uber is also prohibiting drivers and passengers from carrying firearms, discrimination, fraud or illegitimate behavior. The company says it has zero tolerance policy towards discrimination of any kind.
‘’This means you will lose access to your account if you are found to have discriminated against drivers or other riders based on their race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other characteristic protected under applicable law.’’ it says.