Tigo Tanzania has patnerered with Reach for Change, a Tanzanian bases non-profit organisation to launch the 5th annual ‘Tigo Digital Changemakers’ Award competition. The competition aims at identifying and supporting social entrepreneurs who use digital tools and technology to improve communities and impact future generations.
This year, Tigo says it is looking for innovations that focus on education, entrepreneurship and broadening digital inclusion.
Two winning ideas will receive a cash prize of up to USD 20,000 each and get access to Reach for Change incubator, business training and a global network of other social entrepreneurs. The application period for the competition is now open and applications will be received until 21st November 2016.
“We are thrilled to be running the Tigo Digital Changemakers’ award with a new focus this year. Our team is very excited to support digital innovations that will improve education, digital inclusion and business entrepreneurship in Tanzania.” Tigo Corporate Responsibility Manager, Woinde Shisael said.
Shisael added that the Tigo Digital Change-makers’ Award is a great way to support the best and brightest social innovators that the country has to offer, empowering them to change society through digital solutions. She also praised the work of the past winners who she said continue to impact society in areas like education, bridging gender gap in ICT while encouraging others to share their initiatives. “We have so far supported 8 social entrepreneurs through the Tigo Digital Changemakers’ initiative. They have made good use of funding, coaching, mentorship and together they have reached more than 10,000 children and youths.” she said.
All those interested in applying or finding out more about the completion are encouraged to visit the Tigo website. The application period will run until 21st November 2016.