Hackers break into Acer’s website, Compromises Credit Card Details of 34,500 Customers

In yet another massive security breach to be reported this year, data of of as many as 34,500 Acer products customer might have been compromised. The company has announced that hackers broke into their online store and stole customer’s sensitive information.
What this means is that if you bought something from Acer’s online store in the past year, then some sensitive information about you may be compromised. In a letter sent out to its customers the Taiwanese company claims that the names, address, card numbers, expiration date, and three digit security codes of the buyers between May 12, 2015 and April 28, 2016 may be among the details that have been affected.
Most of the affected users according to the company are from US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
The company adds that it does not collect Social Security numbers, and so it has no evidence indicating that passwords or log in credentials of the customers were affected.
It is not clear yet how the hackers broke into Acer’s server. Acer however thinks the breach was a result of ‘’unspecified security issues’’. It has however assured its customers that it took immediate steps to counter the issue through the help cybersecurity experts.
‘’We took immediate steps to remediate this security issue upon identifying it, and we are being assisted by outside cybersecurity experts.’’ the company said. ‘’We have reported this issue to our credit card payment processor. We have also contacted and offered our full cooperation to federal law enforcement. ‘’
It also adds that it regret this incident occurred, and promises it customers that it will be working hard to enhance our security. ‘’We have also contacted and offered our full cooperation to federal law enforcement. ‘’ Acer said.