Facebook could be testing customized news feed with categories

You will all agree with me Facebook news feeds feels a bit cluttered these days, i personally do not like it. But Facebook is reportedly testing a new customized news feed that will make it possible for you to separate your feed by categories.
What currently happens is new of brands, celebrities, sports or technology pages you have liked keep feeling your feed. This new update will make it possible for you to sort all this mess up, for example you can sort technology and you will be able to see the specific news you want to see under this category.
So Facebook feeds are coming! pic.twitter.com/MS7PIUJdys
— GJ Kooijman ?? (@gjkooijman) May 19, 2016
Some Facebook mobile app users are already reporting seeing their news feed separated by categories, such as travel, music, TV and movies, food, and science.
According to The Next Web , even if you don’t swipe into the categories, the posts that show up on your news feed will appear with tags on them, interesting right?
Facebook has not yet officially commented on this although the company has been making so many changes to its news feed in recent times. In April, it announced that it was making changes news feed ranking by prioritising articles that people actually read. This, according to the company, was to make Facebook better understand which articles might be interesting to reader based on how long the user and other read them.