New Facebook News Feed to emphasize on fresh Trending topics

Facebook has announced that yet again it would be making changes to its News Feed. This time round, the company wants to put more emphasis on fresher content. The new Facebook News Feed algorithm will now highlight posts according to timelines.
According to a blog post on Facebook’s News blog, One way we show timely content higher-up in News Feed is to show people stories about things that are trending as soon as they occur, so you can immediately know what your friends or favorite Pages are saying about the stories of the day.
This new changes are specifically aimed towards making users engage more, and become more active in trending topics.
”This means that when a friend or Page you are connected to posts about something that is currently a hot topic of conversation on Facebook, that post is more likely to appear higher up in News Feed, so you can see it sooner” Facebooks’ software engineers Erich Owens and David Vickrey stated in the blog post,
Early tests of a small percentage of posts has shown that this update on average leads to a more than 6% increase in people engaging with these stories. Meaning more users aither like, share or comment on that topic.
Facebook says that the changes will be rolled out gradually over the next few weeks.