LG Electronics (LG) yesterday introduced its 2014 TV lineup in Korea, unveiling a total of 68 new models including ULTRA HD TVs in sizes ranging from 49 to 105 inches, largest collection to date. Among the models introduced is the LG’s ground breaking 105-inch Curved ULTRA HD TV in addition to its smaller 65-, 55- and 49-inch curved 4K units.
Speaking during the event president and CEO of the LG Electronics Home Entertainment Company Hyun-hwoi Ha said he was are extremely confident that their state-of-the-art ULTRA HD and OLED TV models will establish a new benchmark this year. “With our strong competitiveness in display technology including ULTRA IPS, CINEMA 3D and the unrivalled simplicity of the webOS Smart TV platform, we are optimistic that in 2014, LG will be the one to watch in the TV industry.” he said
LG ULTRA HD TVs incorporate In-Plane Switching (IPS) panels that offer exceptional color accuracy and consistently superb picture quality with minimal color distortion from practically any vantage point. LG’s ULTRA HD Engine Pro offers the processing power necessary to achieve the 4K resolution (3840 x 2160)resolution and a proprietary chip works in conjunction with the engine to eliminate any visual artifacts. LG’s newest ULTRA HD sets all have the ability to upscale standard HD and Full HD content to near 4K quality.
LG’s leading CINEMA 3D technology offers the most immersive viewing experience in the industry, producing a convincingly realistic 3D effect with minimal flicker in 4K resolution. On LG’s larger ULTRA HD units, the effect is even more stunning and impressive and the unique 3D control feature makes it possible to adjust the degree of 3D at the touch of a button. All 2014 ULTRA HD TV models from LG are equipped with an advanced 3D conversion engine for those times when 2D just isn’t enough.
Following the launch, LG’s ULTRA HD TVs, OLED TVs and CINEMA 3D Smart TVs will roll out in key markets commencing later this month. Prices and additional details will be announced locally.
Check more http://www.lgeblog.co.ke/lgs-impressive-2014-tv-lineup/
#TechTrendsKe @NicKanali