Huawei Secretly Build a Wireless Network for North Korea Which Snoops on Citizens, Reports

Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, was banned by inclusion in the so-called Entity List which restricts the company from doing business with US-based tech companies. This came months after the US government issued an order which banned the buying of Huawei’s telco equipment in government agencies due to national security concerns.
The news at hand even makes the schemes of the company seem sketchier as the WSJ reports. The Washington Post revealed that Huawei has worked with North Korea on secret projects in the past eight years. Internal documents obtained by the Media revealed that Huawei helped build and maintain the commercial wireless network in North Korea.
The news was revealed by a former employee of the company who requested anonymity for fear of retribution.
Huawei has been on the limelight of the US Commerce Department secretly since 2016 over the sanctions in North Korea. The US Commerce Department had some clues on the possible linkage between the two, but they failed to connect the dots.
Because Huawei uses some US components in its products, it raises questions on whether the company violated the US export controls by selling equipment with American ingredients to North Korea. North Korea has been criticized in the past over its isolated regime of abusing human rights and the nuclear weapons programs.
Responding to the matter the company has bashed the allegations stating it “has no business presence” in North Korea. Needless to say, the current revelations may make Huawei even more secluded than it is already.
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