Microsoft Office for iOS users now to save, edit docs from Dropbox, Box

New-Cloud-storage-integration-for-Office-1Microsoft users on Office for iOS suite will now be able to save and edit their files from Dropbox, Box, and other third-party storage apps to iCloud, the company said on a blog post.

Microsoft has also announced two new integration features in what it says is for an even broader set of cloud services: First, file picker integration for the iPad and iPhone; and second, Office Online integration for viewing and editing.

”While these may seem like small enhancements, these new features represent a big step forward for Office integration into the apps and services that are important to our customers” the company said.

With these features, third-party cloud storage providers can natively integrate into the “Locations” picker in the iOS Office apps. This will enable users to open, edit and save documents from these providers right from within Office.

Microsoft also said that it is working on similar integration for the Office universal apps for Windows 10 and the Office for Android apps.


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