The HelloFood app; get food easier in a delicious way

By Nixon Kanali, TechTrendsKE
Staying at the office for lunch? Want your food to be delivered at home or your office to enjoy an evening with your friends or family? Well, HelloFood, an app that is making things easier by helping you order food online is just what you need.
The HelloFood app itself is pretty simple one to use. What you only need is to get an account with the app and once you are connected to your account, you are good to go.
First, you have to choose your city and area and then a list of restaurants and cuisine appears. You then go ahead to select your item/food type, every item selected then goes to the check out list. Once the order is completed and confirmed, HelloFood partner restaurants receive it and deliver it right to your doorstep and you pay.
All one needs to do is download the app on your android Smartphone. The app is aimed at helping making the lives of people who have little time getting out of their busy schedules to get food easier and in a delicious way.
HelloFood is currently present in ten African countries namely Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco, Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Algeria, partnering with more than 22,000 restaurants. Anyone living in one of these countries can download the app on Android – and also on iOs –